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General Information

CPD Points Criteria

CPD Points are allocated to every CPD Activity that is approved by the Accreditation Panel. Points are given in units of five and the assessment criteria includes value to the profession of architect, use of active learning, interactive learning and the degree of passive learning. CPD Points are allocated on the basis of the NZRAB CPD Points Policy which you can view here.

NZRAB Registration Cycle

Every five years all New Zealand Registered Architects are reviewed and for that they are required to demonstrate that they continue to meet the minimum standards for continued registration as a Registered Architect.

The specific requirements in this regard are laid out in Rule 21 of the Registered Architects Rules 2006, which cover, firstly, competence and, secondly, the architect being required to have “taken reasonable steps to maintain the currency of his or her architectural knowledge and skills since the last assessment.”

Participation in CPD provides a way for architects to meet the second requirement – taking reasonable steps to maintain currency.

To that end, a five year aspirational CPD points target has been set for architects to accrue – in total 1000 CPD points, including 100 CPD points in each of the four Units of Competency (Design, Documentation, Project Management, Practice Management) and 100 CPD points in the Core Professional Development Category.

Architects who do not achieve this aspirational target are reviewed in terms of whether what they have done to maintain the currency of their skills or knowledge is reasonable relative to the work they do. At the end of each 5 year cycle, architects’ CPD records return to zero and architects begin their CPD points accrual cycle again.

For specific information about what each architect needs to achieve and by when, architects should log on as an architect via and click on "Your continuing registration requirements."

NZRAB Management of CPD Activities

The New Zealand Registered Architects’ Board manages the CPD framework and website. The NZRAB is not a CPD provider nor does it accredit CPD activities. The New Zealand Institute of Architects manages a CPD Provider Network, which is a network of accredited industry and manufacturing organisations, who have been approved by NZIA to provide CPD events and activities for architects. There are other CPD providers who also provide CPD events and activities for architects. For any CPD queries contact


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