If you have seen the event listed with pre-approved CPD points, or you are not sure if an event you attended is set up in the system as a Scheduled Event, it is always best to check before claiming points through Individual Activity.
Here are the steps to find and claim points for a pre-approved Scheduled Event.
- Click on the "Contact" tab at the top of the CPD homepage
- Click on "Claiming Points"
- Type in a keyword for that event, then click the 'Go' button
- You should now see a list of event(s) containing your keyword
- Click on the event you need to claim points for, ensuring the date and title match the event you attended
- On the next screen, you will see the details of the event, and a checkbox that states "Claim Attendance to this Scheduled Event". If you are sure that is the event you attended, click the box and then click "Submit"
Please note, events will not appear in this search until after their conclusion.